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Privacy Policy
At Martha’s Quest we are committed to respecting your privacy. Our privacy policy regards the information we collect from you during your visit to our site, how we may use it, and how we will protect your information. 


Personally Identifiable Information

Personally identifiable information includes your name, address, zip code, telephone number, e-mail address and any other information which might be used to identify you individually. You will only be required to provide personally identifiable information to us while using the site in the following five situations: (1) participating in our online forums, (2) subscribing for our updates (3) downloading resources.


Use of Personally Identifiable Information
If you decide to participate in the forum, we will need to collect information in order to keep the forum private. If you sign up for our newsletter, we will need to collect your email. We may use this information to contact you to provide you with information we believe may be of interest to you. We may also use your information for compiling data and analyses to better understand and serve your needs. Martha’s Quest also compiles data to better understand Parkinson’s and further Parkinson’s research. 


In every case, we will take reasonable precautions to prevent your personal information from being intercepted by any third party. If you provide personally identifiable information in one of our online Forums, you do so at your own risk. Martha’s Quest cannot be held responsible for personal information posted in the online Forums. 

Your information will never be sold or licensed to any third parties. 


Use of Cookies
Like most websites, the Martha’s Quest may store information on your computer in a small file called a "cookie." Cookies are small text files or data placed by your web browser on your computer to store information that allow a website to recognize whether a certain computer or device has been used to visit the site in the past. Cookies enable websites to keep track of online patterns and preferences and make the personalization of web experiences possible. Cookies are used exclusively to improve the user experience by providing continuity in your browsing the site. 


Use of the Online Forum
Martha’s Quest website includes several discussion Forums. By participating in the Forums, users agree to send and receive messages that are appropriate and related to the Forum topic. Martha’s Quest retains the right to take action (including, but not limited to, banning users from participating in Forums) against violators: defaming, harassing, threatening, or otherwise violating the legal rights of others; violating the privacy rights of others; misrepresenting one's identity or background; posting any defamatory, infringing, obscene, false, or unlawful material; selling, advertising, or exchanging any goods or services unless expressly allowed; posting any copyrighted material of a third party. This list is not exhaustive, is only intended to provide some examples of unacceptable practices and may be changed at any time with or without prior notice. Martha’s Quest may alter or remove any messages or postings at our discretion, including those we deem to be inappropriate or offensive. Please do not post personally identifiable information in the Forums. Martha’s Quest cannot be held responsible for the misuse or appropriation of a user’s personally identifiable information that has been posted to a Forum.


Links To Other Sites

As a resource to our visitors, Martha’s Quest may provide links to other websites. Additionally, links to other sites may be posted in the Forums. Links posted in the Forums are not screened by the Martha’s Quest and users should only follow such links at their own risk. For those links that Martha’s Quest posts on its website, we cannot guarantee the privacy policies of these other sites and suggest you check the privacy policies of those sites directly.


Martha’s Quest Products and Resources

Martha’s Quest assumes no liability whatsoever for the use or contents of any product or service mentioned on its website.


Data Security

Any data that relates to health or other information of individual persons that could be linked to a personal identifier, account or verification of the individual’s identity, collected by the Martha’s Quest is stored behind a firewall.  



Martha’s Quest reserves the right to make changes to this policy without notice.  

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration nor should they be construed as medical advice. Any information on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for medical care or to prescribe treatment for any specific health condition. We recommend that you consult your doctor before starting any supplement, dietary, or exercise program.

©2020 Martha's Quest

Contact Us: Martha or John

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