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Better together.
If you are looking for a way connect to a private community
of people passionate about Parkinson's disease, this is the place. Sign up to become a member of the Forum.
Stay connected with me.
I want to create a place where people can freely discuss hopes, questions, challenges, nutrition and alternative therapies. Get responses from me and an active, compassionate community.
Talk with John.
Hear what John has to say about life with Parkinson's and how he faces the day-to-day. Exchange ideas, tips and tricks, and other strategies to live your best life with PD.
Get out of your comfort zone and share your story.
Your story could lead to discovery. I want to learn from my members and find the gaps in data by going straight to the best source of information possible – people who are affected by Parkinson's disease.
Enjoy the comradery
Learn from each other and help discover the similarities and differences that connect us through Parkinson's. After all, social connections have been proven to improve overall health.
No pressure.
Be as active as you want. Contribute frequently or just sit back and take it all in.
Members: Members_Page
This is your chance to be a part of something revolutionary.
By participating in this private forum, you will be heard. Share your thoughts, theories, and personal story about your journey with Parkinson's. The purpose of the forum is to capture the vital information from frontline PD people that is often dismissed by traditional medicine and science. Then we can connect the dots between discovery and disease.
What do you have to lose?
In 2021 we hope to launch a new tool that will help you create your own health timeline like the example we created for John, below.
John Carlin
“There's no such thing as too much information when it comes to understanding your state of health.”
When we started to put together John's health timeline we began to see connections that led to new and unexpected paths of discovery. Share your health story on the forum and we will use it to explore new connection that others have overlooked.
We should think of scientific research like spots of color on a pointialist painting.
– MARTHA CARLIN, Citizen Scientist & founder of The BioCollective
Only when we step back do we see the full meaning and importance of the whole picture. So just like a Seurrat painting, I hope to inspire all of you to think in a broader context to paint together on the canvas, so that we may finally see before us the full picture that is hidden in our mini separate dots.
Once you become a member of the Forum,
you'll be able to see a list of our active Forum Members.
Your Member area will appear below this text.
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